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Brain Fun Facts
(1) Information from your arms and legs travel to the brain at about 150 miles per hour. (2) Brain Freeze is actually your brain...
Election Stress: 4 ways to deal with it.
There is a lot more stress in America with the elections and people do become stressed, depressed, moody and emotional during elections. ...
Truth & Myths Of EMDR
Myth 1: Because people are not aware of it people think it's only been around for a little while. Not so! EMDR is a therapy that was...
Are you a Stoner?
Caught your attention? Stones take the shape of all kinds of painful sizes and are thrown for a variety of reasons. Stones are...
Counseling Tension
Counseling Tension is not unusual and usually should be expected. With counseling often comes the "it can get worse before it gets...
Step Away to Step Forward.
Step Away from life's busy challenges. Step Away from negativity. Step Away from those that pressure you to be someone you are not....
Social Media Inspiration from Exasperation
The people, circumstances or events in life that challenge us the most can end up being inspiration for ourselves or others. The...
Blame Game
If the Blame Game was like a board game, what would it look like? Would it have a space for "Your Honest, advance to the nearest Love...
Love of a Dog
I am not a dog therapist. I don't have any certifications in canine therapy, service dogs or therapy dogs. But, I will have to share...
Suicide: The Family Left Behind.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 1. Stay Close: families often feel stigmatized. 2. Avoid Hollow Reassurances:...
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