2022 Renew You!
With the challenges of the Pandemic can you have a happier you? YES! Absolutely. So, where do we even begin? If you watch the news it is challenging to hear anything "good" and same with too much social media! So what to do to renew you?
* Limit how much media time you allow yourself daily. Seriously take a look at how much time you are on and decide to cut back! During that cut back time do something for you!
* Connections is the way to make it through isolation issues with anything including a pandemic. How are you trying to connect with others? Volunteer, call someone, video chat, create group chats with family, friends and others of like interest. Create a social group with like mindedness that is creative and fun!
* Do things that are fun. Get out the old crafts, foster a dog or cat, volunteer at the local shelter, figure out a way to do lawn entertainment for the elderly at the nursing homes. Go take a neighbor a special gift, rake their yard or shovel some now!
* Exercise even if it is dancing around the house being goofy and fun!
* LAUGH! Laughter is still some of the best medicine around.
* Start a thankful/gratitude journal! Write three things in the morning positive about yourself and then three things that you experienced during the day that your thankful for that day!
* Do something you have been putting off that would bring a renewed heart, spirit or mind!